Aug 11, 2010

ghetto jack in the box revisited.

So, I went back to the ol' ghetto jack in the box in berkeley. They got a face lift! The outside kinda looks the same but updated signs. The most glaring difference is that they got rid of the 2" thick bullet proof glass. I think it really gave the Ghetto Jack in the Box it's charm.

Not to worry, in the 5 or so minutes I was there I witnessed something that reminded me of the old Jack in the Box. Handfull of curly fries fell out of a customers bag and was left on the counter. As the next customer, an old guy getting a coffee asks the worker lady "hey can I have that?" . The worker looked at him like 'are you serious' and he half embarrassed turned around and took his coffee. As he did this the worker wiped the fries into a napkin and said under breath "'s garbage".

So, it seems that while you can take the ghetto out of the jack in the box, you can't take it out of the ghetto.

(If this post looks weird its because I'm posting it via email)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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