I got some ants in my house a couple months ago so I went into my "junk drawer" in my kitchen to see if I had some of those liquid ant baits. Everybody has a junk drawer right? Box of staples, pens, tape, glue, that half of hoodie string that broke off you thought you needed to save for some reason. But this is the junk drawer, not the Taco Bell Sauce drawer. Distinctly different things. Of course there's soy sauce packets, ketchup, the occasional oversized mayo packet in there but primarily it's Taco Bell sauce. Taco Bell is a place that begs you to take too many packets. You need one, two packets tops for a chalupa but there's a big, open tub of sauces. Four levels of hotness too. You know you're too much of a pussy to ever use the Diablo sauce but you still shove your whole paw in there and grab a handful of that shit. Really tho Taco Bell has 3 levels of heat.. first level, Hot. You drive a convertible but it's a 93 LaBaron.. then you step up to FIRE! ooooh then what could be hotter than FIRE!? DEEAABLO!!! Spanish for... THE DEVIL!! A fucking fast foot taco place has satanic sauce. Honey, I feel like having my head spin 360 degrees, stabbing myself in my vagina repeatedly with a crucifix and then projectile vomit pea soup, grab me a handful of the DIABLO SAUCE. ..........Then there's......... Mild. That's the one I like. I feel like I'm rolling the dice by just being at Taco Bell already I don't need to tempt fate by summoning a demon with my Quesarito. But even tho you know better, you grab the biggest wad of each you can and toss it in the bag. Which is why now you have a dedicated an entire kitchen drawer full of hot sauces you're never gonna use. But you never know! 😀
So here I am sifting through pen caps, dead batteries and a warranty card for something I don’t own anymore to find some liquid death for these tiny persistent shits. I find a 3 pack, and I put em all out for those little fuckers. I wait a week and they’re ignoring the shit so I got to the store and buy a new box. I put a couple out and they’re gobbling it up like it’s packets of sauce from Taco Bell. YES! eat that poison you motherfuckers. Then as I’m putting the box away into the void of faded receipts, loose paper clips and my Blockbuster card, I notice on the back it says to replace them every six months. In my head I had a vision of these ants seeing millions of their fallen brothers and sisters succumb to a plague and little post-apocalyptic ant scientists using samples of the poison residue back to their little any laboratories spending years to reverse engineer the poison to create a cure to build up resistance to the deadly ingredient in the ant baits. After three generations of any civilization they finally become fully resistant. But like, it’s exactly six months in human time.
Make sure to change your ant baits everybody.