Today in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial... which is a whole other shit-show of injustice... there is a photo of the prosecutor pointing the AR-15 from the case at what many thought was the jury. Many pointed out that he had his finger on the trigger which started a firestorm of comments about all of the things he was doing was wrong. Wrong how? All of these commenters were gun enthusiasts or had an ample amount of experience with firearms. I agreed with everything they were saying but what I think it's funny, (strange? ironic?) when these people complain and mock non-gun people for handing firearms incorrectly and for not knowing what they know... for saying things like "OMG don't you know you aren't supposed to point a gun at anyone?" or "WTF don't you know you never put your finger on the trigger unless you intend on pulling it?!!" "IDIOT, Dont you know you're supposed to always act like it's loaded no matter what?!!!"
Actually no... No I don't know that.. because there are no regulations for requiring training or testing for skill, coordination, eyesight etc for owning a gun that says I have to by law. There's literally nothing stopping an untrained normie like me from buying something designed specifically to kill things. Other than my own sense of self control and common sense.
The NRA crowd fights so hard to keep their perception of the 2nd Amendment going. No regulations, no rules, no restrictions, but then also complain, even laugh at the audacity of someone who dares to use a gun without knowing how to use it... meanwhile fighting any law that would require what they want. What is also interesting is that the NRA for most of it's existence was the unofficial arbiters of gun control for this country. Now they're just lobbyists.