Aug 16, 2010


Not much to report. Just a bunch of Bruce Wayne pictures. some doodles and other crap. I can't believe it's fucking 3:00 am. my alarm will be going off before I can get a good dream whipped up. damnit.


bruce riding without his crate! good boy!

best sticker ever. I need to find a public bathroom to put it in.

my new graphic arrived from Conscience.

my first Top graphic too!

coaxed Bruce onto a skateboard with treats. I think he hated it tho.
i tried.

been seeing a ton of these Jed Clampett junk trucks lately.

skat, get it. lol thanks stephkara.

Ok that's it. If you work at a really cool place and have any openings in an art dept. or anything like that you should hire me.

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