Dec 20, 2024

Nobody Likes Photo Fridays Anymore

 I don't care!  Here's some eye-viagra.  

First some recent political cartoons I made.  Because fuck if I'm not inspired by rage. 

Trump's reaction to the S. Korean president just sicking the military on the people when he didn't get his waye. 

Elect a King, get his Jesters. 

Fuck CEOs of Insurance Companies.  Fuck them all. 

ok now actual photos. 
Interesting finds at the Church yard-sale. 

Did another Pastels On The Plaza!  

Bruce the shark. 

Went in for a sleep study.  Did not see snake man. 

you what? 

Benny got de-nutted. 

our Halloween decor. 

4 Cats on her. 

Remember that joke about forgetting the batteries I made a long time ago? 
Saw this and chuckled a little. (it means diarrhea)

This is most likely Bruce's last xmas.  :-(


Old filter makes me look like my dad.  

After the election I needed some god damn cheer. 


2 months later... 

So ready for my Season 2 Premier Waffle Party 

I added more stuff to my store.  Link/Ad in the sidebar. 


Tiny pepperoni on tiny pizza makes it look like I shrunk down a regular pizza. 


We got 3rd rate horror movie NOSTERAFU 
(hint: it's spelled wrong on the marquee)

Don't forget. 

It was put a plunger on your head day. 

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