Aug 20, 2013

I Guess I Like the Cock

For no reason other than the fact that visually it reminds me of Ketchup and that I usually resist getting sucked into liking most things that everyone seems to be into, I have avoided Sriracha sauce, aka, Rooster Sauce, aka Cock Sauce.

My whole life I've hated Ketchup, which has evolved into staying a safe distance from any foods that are red colored, or ketchup-like. I won't eat sweet & sour sauce, even tho everyone loves it. I won't eat most hot sauces and some bbq sauces. I'm just weird about shit like that. 

So now there's this ongoing craze with this particular type of Asian hot sauce that for the reasons mentioned above I never had any interest in putting in or near my mouth.  But while at a Pho Thien Long, a local Thai/Vietnamese restaurant that sports a wide variety of sauce choices at the table,  I finally gave in and tried it. It's good dammit. As most of you know, it's spicy but in a good way. The flavor isn't intrusive and went well with the BBQ beef noodle bowl I ordered.   There were a couple of other mystery sauces in the basket at the table which were ok but didn't enough of an impact which led to me trying the coveted Sriracha. 

I hate agreeing with food hipsters on this but it's pretty legit. Don't expect me to start putting  like pizza and eggs and shit tho. Not right away.  

I should point out also that during the great Ranch craze of 1993 I resisted and still won't touch the stuff.  I have an automatic aversion to most things white and creamy.  Sweet creams in deserts are ok but almost anything derived from sour cream, mayonnaise or cream cheese is out of the question. Cottage Cheese, even plain yogurt kind of grosses me out.  Cheese cake, forget about it.  I think the underlining flavors remind me of the taste left in your mouth after vomiting. So, definitely not Ranch.  When it became the next big thing, and everyone was trying to top each other on whatever new unlikely food they could dip into or drench in Ranch, then I had a new reason to hate it.

But Mr.Sriracha sir, you get a pass for the moment. I hate that I kind of like you. 

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