Dec 30, 2005

owch man/Happy New Year

ok so the numb wore off and I've been popping Advil since abou 4:00 yesterday. What hurts the most isnt the toothparts, its where he went to town on my back gums with the needle. Its all sore, thats something I didnt get on the top mouth work. Eating sucks now because I still have the hot & cold sensitive week old fillings on the upper left, a temporary crown on the upper right and these new "dont chew on that side of the mouth for about 24 hours" fillings on the bottom right.

rocksauce. well anyway, I'm flying to Phoenix tonite. My GF's dad and grandparents live down there. I hope it will be cool, but more that likely we'll be spending a lot of time in Sun City (retirement community) with her bigoted, male shovanist, cheap grandpa and her too-nice-to-be-married-to-that-guy, almost blind grandma. The last time we visited with them we went to breakfast and the whole time was calling our waiter Jose and calling him over in spanish. Trying to impress not only us, but the waiter. Wow, grandpa is biligual! Too bad the waiter was middle eastern, didnt speak a word of spanish and spoke english well enough. So as that embarrasment started to sink in, the bill comes. The night before he tried to weaz his way out of paying for the fairly expensive meal any way he could. So today, at IHOP, he gets all on his high horse, "I'll pay for this one". So even tho it was IHOP it was still a table of 8, and he pulls out his wallet to tip "Jose" and puts down five one dollar bills. You gotta be shitting me, what a son of a bitch. my GF's dad steps in and politley lets convinces him that "Jose" did a good job and he should tip at least the minimum 20%. what a douchebag. Funny enough, he was a teacher at my Juinior High. He was rumored to have jars of vaseline in his cabinets. Kids said he would read nudie mags inside his math books and jack off under his desk. but we were kids, now this guy is my semi-grandfather-in-law.

awesome! hopefully i will get a chance to visit my cousin while im down there. he's way into sports, which i'm not big into, but he's a friggin sports encyclopedia so, in a way, he's like a circus act and we can ask him questions and amaze friends at parites. He's schooling to be a Sports Journalist which is rad because he's doing something with it. He got an article published in the local paper already. fuck yea! His wife got tit implants. it was kinda wierd because everyone knew but didnt talk about it. Usually when someone spends a lot of money on something new you compliment them and comment on thier new whateveritis. But no one, especially me, can be like "hey nice new tits!" its wierd, so deep down she might be wondering if they look good. Personally I'm not a fan of fake tits. In my experience I've found that they only look good covered up. when they are out, the cheap strip club ones i saw anyway, look too round and hard. and when a chick was really flat pre-implant, she has this gross 3" flat boney gap non-cleavage thing going on. not to mention the scars.. ew the scars. ladies, natural, even if flat is always better. I hope my cousisns wife's are good tho, for his sake.


1 comment:

jimbizzle said...