Apr 30, 2007

what the fuck gas prices!!!?? part 2

remember back on March 1st when i posted that gas station in Oakland that was selling its gas for an outrageous price?
$3.47 was unheard of back then. and now, just over a month later its pretty much the norm give or take the cheap places that have it for $3.34.

Every other week i carpool with my dad and drive passed that gas station and i've seen it rise every couple weeks. it sat pretty steady at $3.74 then $3.83.. then this morning back on the carpool i saw that they finally went up. Up to $3. 97. I took note and planned taking a photo on the way home to blog.

So as we rolled up to it at 3:30 this afternoon i got my camera out to take a pic of the 3.97 gas. but since this morning it went up. its now $4.03!

they passed the motherfucking $4 mark.

And as i mentioned in the blog in March its fucked up because its one of the only gas stations in this lower income neighborhood. Just fuck the poor even harder...

all of this is compounded by, and kind of ironic that they decide to raise the price on a day that is estimated to have extra high traffic because of this...
Two connector ramps of the Bay Bridge MacArthur Maze (map), located near Emeryville, collapsed Sunday morning after an explosion and fire.

Heat from the fire, which reached temperatures estimated at up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, caused the metal bolts and girders on the highway connector ramp above to melt. The overpass then gave way and collapsed.

The tanker truck driver was driving from westbound Interstate 80 to southbound Interstate 880.

so yea, a lot of traffic was potentially diverted right passed that gas station today.. good one fuckers.


Jessica A. Walsh said...


But I didn't think individual stations could pick their price. There's laws against that.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see everyone wearing my shirt that says in Arabic, "Stick Your Oil up Your Ass". It can be found at fuckchinatshirts.com where there is a lenghty statement about how we are getting ripped off. There are also shirts that say in Chinese, "Fuck China" with a discussion about Chinese atrocities. A blog is in the future.

We need to stand together and they need to know that we are united. After that, we can direct the power that we have, thanks to unity via the internet.

This country needs top be run, once again "for the people" not for the corporations.