hey I'm back from my cruise. here's some random pics.
this is another cruise ship we saw. they had a fucking waterslide!
mexican barbed wire = shards of broken glass
they love their open air taxis so much they made a monument.
no child labor laws. this other kid haggled with megs niece over a wooden turtle
this was our tour driver. he pimped the chica while we took a pitstop.
my homeland!
there was a shitload of oldsters on the cruise.
the devil cave
this dude was hardcore but only dove when the city tours stopped and was millitant about tips. he went onto our bus to make sure everyone tipped. fuck man. go jump off a cliff or something.
view of our ship from the top of some hill.
open air taxi's are only allowed in Mazetlan.
shrimp feast!
the sign said. "the star of mexico-WALMART" fuck!
a ship i saw off our deck at midnight. it was kinda freaky.
we got a new animal every night. thanks Tookie our cabin boy!
this is my favorite pic i think. it was on this church in San Jose. click to zoom
one eyed Willie!
click to zoom
click again.
oh and everyone at my work forgot i told them i was leaving and freaked. they all thought i was dead or something.
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