Jan 25, 2007

Fuck that shit Jimbo.

Our friends Jimbo and Anja just moved to Portland. this isnt them but damn. thats some insane ass shit.

be careful up there guys. get a flame thrower/snow plow attachment for your car.


jimbizzle said...

I've seen this before. Funny thing is that first lady that bounced around like a pinball isn't even from Oregon. Damn Californians need to learn to drive!

Anonymous said...

You know whats funny is the snow was awsome as you can see from our blog phots from those 3 days, but the the only jackasses that had accidents were loosers like this who were driving way to damn fast for conditions. I drove just fine no wrecks! The faster you go the faster you slide. If you stick to 15-20 MPH youll be ok. This joker put more than just his life in danger and it pisses me off! When I was getting a lesson at Les Shwab on putting my chains a on a punk ass kid showed up to have a flat fixed becasue he was driving to FAST with chains on and hit a curb blowing out his tire. Its all in the drivers! Ok ill get off my soap box!